the Muslims make me sick

few days ago.. dlm keadaan yg internet connection yg sangat mengharukan, mendukacitakan n menyedihkan, saya pun gedek2 hard disk yg dah berserabut n berselirat.. so, after sedikit organizing keadaan dlm hard disk kembali aman.. bnyk rupenye bende yg blom dibaca. bende dlu2 yg si'save' konon2 nk baca tapi x terbaca2..

so, jari pun meng'click' pada satu article:

“why should i ask my non-muslims friends to revert to Islam when the Muslims make me sick?”

lbey kurang camni kot title die.. can't remember maybe dah terdelete..dlm article tu the writer ada mencela lelaki2 muslim yg die jumpa kat masjid ( the writer lives in the west, where mosque susah nak dicari, n he reverted to islam before meeting any muslim, in other way, he reverted to islam because he fell in love with the nature of the religion not because of it's ummah)so, antara llk masjid yg dia jumpa .. setengahnya.. bukan semuanya.. dan point yg suke nak dipetik is die kata llk muslim yg stereotype slalu ckp : Islam is when your wife wears the hijab. (bangga sungguh llk yg wat statement ni kat die)

statement yg agak menerangkan pengetahuan islam most guys n also girls.. cos that’s the situation yg slalu ada kat llk n pompuan di malaysia.. asal kawan pompuan x pkai tudung, salah bukan main.. tegur pedas2.. x salah pun tindakan tu sbenarnya.. mengajak kpd kebaikan.. sapa2 pun bley menegur.. kalau nak tunggu perfect baru nak tegur orang, x gerak la kerja dakwah kan.. amar makruf nahi munkar.. tapi slalunya part 2 yg nahi munkar tu x wat plak.. tinggal solat subuh ke, mengata2 ke, pegang memegang-mandang memandang- yang x halal.. tu pun dosa jugak kan? ye x? ada dalil nye juga kan? quran kite bukannya ada satu ayat je.. bukan ada ayat an-nur:31 je kan..

yg penting kat sini.. teruskan usaha menegur secara berhikmah.. n jgn lpe jugak tinggalkan yg mungkar.. moga2 kte tak jadi cam golongan yg stereotype tadi.. ingatan juga buat diri saya yg x perfect lagi.. mana yg salah harap ditegur.. scr berhikmah.. : )


dear!!!!!!!!!!i sokong sgt2!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
hope i won't be a Muslim who makes other feel sick... (even sometimes, i did)..
hopefully, by being a doc in the future, i wud make people feel better by will of Allah, instead of making them feel sick!! ;P
Anonymous said…
tetbe ari nh saye ad dgr satu ayat yg leh krg same.. " Judge Islam not by the Muslims but by Quran n Life of Prophet Muhammad pbuh as he is the best of example " - Napolean Tupac sbb btol la.. some muslims skang nh x bpe praktikkn Islam...
Tp dier ad kate kte kne ah always in our best behaviour because ppl always observe muslims esp when living in a non muslim country... =)

- sowi klo ad slh or bercggh pendpt..

p/s: ala npe xle leave comment as anonymous?? :p