Strawberry Trifle


it's strawberry season in Moscow. spring is here and everyone's fighting for time to have their picnic and bbq. for those who don't know what to bring, this might be a good idea. have fun = )

Strawberries (cut into 4)
Agar-agar (or jelly)
Swiss role

Milk+Custard Powder+sugar or Store-bought(Ready made) whipped cream

1. Prepare agar-agar. Red makes a great colour for combination with the fruit we are using.
2. If you are using custard cream> boil milk+sugar. stir 3 tbspoon of custard powder in cold water and add to boiled milk. stir. let it sit in room temperature until reaching creamy consistency.
3. Cut the cake into preferred size.. arrange as first layer
4. Arrange strawberry as second layer. try to arrange the one at the side of the glass to make it look presentable.
5. pour custard filling or whipped cream as third layer.
6. repeat layers to your preferences.
7. Chill before eating. It makes such a good dessert if serves cold.
8. Don't forget to say your prayers before eating = )
